Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Answered Prayer Sept 22

This month I was looking at a one-hundred dollar gap to get to my needed $350 per month and was fearing more than I should (instead of trusting God—what a foolish thing when He’s shown me time and again how trustworthy He is).  As this was in the back of my mind after a college supper, a couple stopped me in North Oak's parking lot and asked where I was going.  When I told them a group of us (who was with me) was headed to WaKeeney to visit a friend who had gone with us on a mission trip, they said they wanted to give me gas money.  The amount they gave ($50) was more than needed, but they graciously said I could keep the change.  I thanked them sincerely.  There was also a couple who asked my folks what I have been up to just last week and requested a support letter.  Just the other day I received $50 from them.  Since the gas went to my credit card (and I will be able to pay that next month), I received exactly $100, which was the amount needed.  This demonstration was a very direct answer to a prayer I’d made that God help me trust Him more and fear less.  What a blessing to serve Him, and how exciting it is to see what’s next!

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