The past few days have been excellent; the Holy Spirit has been doing some amazing things. God’s love is beyond words to me—that He continues to bless us and answer prayers and love us even when we don’t reciprocate or love Him nearly as much as we should is astounding and humbling. True love isn’t self-seeking, and He shows it. Thank God for His love.
Lately He has helped me listen and be sensitive in a variety of one-on-one interactions with people. Just the other night a female friend was obviously stressed and wanting to talk, and I was able to listen in the Spirit and share some words on my porch. I was really thinking that it would be good to have another woman present, though, and lo and behold another female friend of mine pulled up across the way and came over to listen and support my friend. It was absolutely perfect timing. The really amazing thing, though, was the amount of guidance God gave me in the conversation. I prayed that God give me His words and allow me to hear what He wanted to say, and I just felt how to ask the right questions and listen without speaking. In the end, I feel that what was meant to be said was. We were able to pray for my friend, and I believe everyone went away feeling better.
Today I had two pretty deep talks. One was with a Godly man about Unite and how we might be able to work together. We also shared some personal things going on in each of our lives, and I was blessed to be able to pray for Him and His family in the Spirit. I also had a college guy give me a text asking if He could talk with just me. We met at my place and He shared some difficult things going on in His life. Again, I prayed God help me listen and speak in the Spirit. The right words came, and I was able to listen and pray with my friend. I will continue to pray for him as he is seeking discernment in his course.
I have also been getting a lot of work done for Unite. I have met with multiple churches/representatives of multiple churches and college ministries. Some mornings it feels like I never put down the phone except to go to a meeting. They are all good, though, and I am excited to see what God is doing in Hays and may continue to do.
The picnic in the quad went very well—Unite not only had several sign up as interested in small groups, but we were able to provide many students and workers of the event with cold ice water. It was excellent to be able to bless so many on a hot day—especially since all it took was a few dollars worth of ice and a lot of work refilling an Igloo and lugging it back and forth. I am thankful that God used us to help a few students make connections (I walked one to the Crusade and Challenge tables and gave her some info on other ministries) and to bless hot, thirsty people. It was a very excellent afternoon.
Yet to come are the ‘Get Plugged In’ event Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and the missionary training Friday night and Saturday morning. Please keep that all in your prayers as the Spirit has opened up some powerful opportunities to work and make connections. Pray that college students come to ‘Get Plugged In’ and make good connections with the body of believers in Hays, and please pray that the Spirit help me listen to and follow His voice. Thank you again sincerely for your support and prayers!!!
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